1:08 AM

By Brian Todd and Dugald McConnell

You could easily skip by it in an archive search: a project titled "A Study of Lunar Research Flights." Its nickname is even more low-brow: "Project A-119."
But the reality was much more explosive.
It was a top-secret plan, developed by the U.S. Air Force, to look at the possibility of detonating a nuclear device on the moon.
It was hatched in 1958 - a time when the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a nuclear arms race that would last decades and drive the two superpowers to the verge of nuclear war. The Soviets had also just launched Sputnik 1, the world's first satellite. The U.S. was falling behind in the space race, and needed a big splash.

"People were worried very much by (first human in space Soviet cosmonaut Yuri) Gagarin and Sputnik and the very great accomplishments of the Soviet Union in those days, and in comparison, the United States was feared to be looking puny. So this was a concept to sort of reassure people that the United States could maintain a mutually-assured deterrence, and therefore avoid any huge conflagration on the Earth," said physicist Leonard Reiffel, who led the project.
Reiffel, now 85, spoke to CNN at his home in Chicago. A 1959 report Reiffel wrote on the project, declassified many years ago, was obtained online by CNN.
According to Reiffel's report, "The motivation for such a detonation is clearly threefold: scientific, military and political."
The military considerations were frightening. The report said a nuclear detonation on the moon could yield information "...concerning the capability of nuclear weapons for space warfare." Reiffel said that in military circles at the time, there was "discussion of the moon as military high ground."
That included talk of having nuclear launch sites on the moon, he said. The thinking, according to Reiffel, was that if the Soviets hit the United States with nuclear weapons first and wiped out the U.S. ability to strike back, the U.S. could launch warheads from the moon.
"These are horrendous concepts," Reiffel said, "and they are hopefully going to remain in the realm of science fiction for the rest of eternity."
The basic plan, Reiffel explained, was for an intercontinental ballistic missile to be launched from an undisclosed location, travel some 240,000 miles to the moon, and detonate on impact. Various news reports since 1958 have said project leaders considered using an atom bomb the same size as "Little Boy," the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, near the end of World War II.
Reiffel, who was cited for that information in those reports, now says he wasn't in on those discussions.
Contrary to some reports, Reiffel told CNN, the device would not have "blown up" the moon. "Absolutely not. It would have been microscopic, so to speak. It would have been, I think, essentially invisible from the Earth, even with a good telescope."
Reiffel had some brilliant minds on his team. One of them was an up-and-coming graduate student named Carl Sagan. Sagan went on to become one of the world's most renowned astronomers, creating the book and popular TV series "Cosmos."
But after working on the moon program, Reiffel said, Sagan violated security when he mentioned the still-classified project on a job application. "He did formally break the classification status of the project", Reiffel said of Sagan, who subsequently died in 1996.
Sagan's widow, Ann Druyan, told CNN she's not sure if Sagan ever broke the classification, but if he did, she said, it wasn't intentional. "I can't imagine he would have done that knowingly," Druyan said.
By 1959, Project A-119 was drawing more concern than excitement.
"We didn't want to clutter up the natural radioactivities of the moon with additional bits of radioactivity from the Earth," Reiffel said. The project was abandoned.
Project planners also weren't sure of the reliability of the weapons, and feared the public backlash in the U.S. would be significant," Reiffel said.
"It disappeared in the files of the Pentagon", he said of the project. "They come up with what I believe was the right answer."
Contacted by CNN, the Air Force would not comment on Project A-119.
My Strength :

All I can say is that my strength are Family, friends, and above all is GOD

My Weakness :

Incomplete Sleep, Meals, and sometimes being a Angry
S.E.A. Aquarium, the world’s biggest aquarium with more than 100,000 marine animals of over 800 species in 45 million liters of water, opened on Thursday.
The aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark are two new attractions of the Marine Life Park at Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa.
Among these are manta rays, hammerhead sharks and controversial Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins.

According to Singapore's Straits Times newspaper, animal rights activists have long been lobbying for the resort management to release the 25 wild dolphins captured for the resort.

Park officials defend the wild dolphins' inclusion.

"We hold the belief that zoological organizations have a role to play in wildlife conservation and that to avert species crises, controlled wildlife collections can occur for quality zoological facilities to increase our understanding of the species and for breeding purposes," says the resort in a series of detailed responses to critics on its website's FAQ page.
The aquarium comprises 49 habitats imitating different areas in Southeast Asia. The Open Ocean habitat will house the world’s largest viewing panel (36 meters wide and 8.3 meters high).

Diners in the Ocean Restaurant will share the unobstructed underwater view. It is said that the restaurant will provide sustainable seafood meals.
Marine Life Park will have two ticketed attractions that allow for wet or dry fun -- Adventure Cove Waterpark and the Southeast Asia Aquarium.
Adventure Cove Waterpark will feature Southeast Asia’s first hydromagnetic coaster, Riptide Rocket, a slide that propels riders up and down inclines and around sharp curves. The other attractions include the Bluwater Bay wave pool and a 620-meter meandering river through scenes of tropical jungles, grottos and a surround aquarium.
Visitors can also snorkel with fish in the Rainbow Reef or sign up for ray-feeding. Interaction programs with sharks and dolphins will be introduced next year.

Marine Life Park is the last of 12 major launches planned for the S$7 billion (US$5.7 billion) integrated resort since it opened in January of 2010, joining Universal Studios, a casino, the Maritime Experiential Museum and several luxury hotels and restaurants helmed by celebrity chefs.
Daily admissions to S.E.A. Aquarium are priced at S$29 (US$24) for adult and S$20 (US$16) for child and senior citizens. Same prices for Adventure Cove Waterpark. From now to December 7, open daily, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.. Opening hours will be extended to 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. from December 8 onwards. Advanced reservation is recommended.